"> Name: Washington Post won't publish "Boondocks" comic strip

Date:  1995 - 2005

Location:  North America

SubjectPolitical/Economic/Social Opinion , Sexual/Gender Orientation

MediumPrint Journalism

Artist: Aaron McGruder

Confronting Bodies: The Washington Post

Date of Action: November 2003

Specific Location: Washington, D.C.

Description of Artwork: Aaron McGruder is the creator and author of "The Boondocks," a comic strip that features several African American characters. The teenaged protagonist, Huey Freeman, frequently asserts his political views.

Description of Incident: In the strip in question, Huey and his friend Caesar suggest that U.S. National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice, "needs some good ol' fashioned lovin'." The Washington Post suggested that since they could not verify whether Rice was involved in a relationship or not, they would not print the strip.

Results of Incident: The Washington Post discontinued "The Boondocks" for the week.

Source: TomPaine.com

Submitted By: NCAC

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