Artist: Ava Munts
Confronting Bodies: my little unborn child and myself against the hole sistem neoliberalist and his victims.
Date of Action: July of 2008
Specific Location: Barcelona, Spain
Description of Artwork: I danced tiptap inside the hospital. Because what's Art? is it the culture, the live? is it more real than real? I was a Catalan artist just testing límits.
Description of Incident: When i got pregnant, when so many girls get.. Even after this, u are not alloved to be sad; doctors get more and more angry if you demand seriously information, till I enter in hospital without reason at all. They closed the doors and i felt forced to dance.
Results of Incident: In the hosp like a prision again. Forced medication, don't fresh air, can not ask.. The hospital also want to try límits. I discovered in the most sadly way the actual limits: kafka, fema, hitler, the fear, amazing mecanism of control .
Source: Ava Munts
Submitted By: Judith