"> Name: Chinese Government Cancels Art Exhibit By Controversial Artist

Date:  2006-present

Location:  Asia



image description
Artist: Zhang Huan; Shanghai Art Museum

Confronting Bodies: local Shanghai government; Shanghai Cultural Bureau

Date of Action: July 2008

Specific Location: Shanghai, China

Description of Artwork: An exhibition holding many pieces of work by the artist. The specific pieces in question are 16-foot tall sculptures called "Giant 1" and "Giant 2." They are deformed and have body parts made of cowhide, but have human faces.

Description of Incident: Without explanation, the local government cancelled the exhibit that was sheduled to be shown at the Shanghai Art Museum. Sources close to the incident claim that government officials were disturbed by "Giant 1" and "Giant 2."

Results of Incident: The same sources maintain that officials are still in negotiations and they are hoping that the exhibit can be rescheduled for next month. This would be exciting, as Mr. Zhang used to be blacklisted in China.

Source: Raw Art Weblog (rawartint.wordpress.com)

Submitted By: NCAC - Lesley Clark

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