Artist: Holt, Rinehart and Winston book publishers
Confronting Bodies: Parents in Hawkins County, Tennessee and Concerned Women for America
Date of Action: 1980s
Specific Location: Hawkins County, Tennessee
Description of Artwork: The reading series presented various ideas to promote acceptance and tolerance of all religions and cultures.
Description of Incident: Some parents in Hawkins County, Tennessee objected to the school's use of a reading series because of the various ideas promoted through the text. The parents were born again Christians whose religious beliefs forbade its followers from reading materials suggesting ideas contrary to their religious philosophy.
Results of Incident: The matter went to the United States Court of Appeals which held that the school district could continue to use the Holt, Rinehart and Winston reading series.
Source: Long Island Coalition Against Censorship, "Censorship in Schools and Libraries" exhibit
Submitted By: Danielle Biber